Thursday, 8 September 2011

Wear Protection....

Wear Protection… Protect your ears

As a DJ, producer or music fan it is inevitable that at some time or another you will be exposed to loud music. After a long night raving, you may have experienced a ringing type noise in your ears. This is called tinnitus and this damage is irreversible. However, this damage can be prevented. You would not look directly at the sun for fear of losing your eye sight, so why expose your eyes to loud music and risk losing your hearing.

For aspiring DJs and Producers your ears will be your most valuable asset to establish and sustain a successful career.

Tinnitus noises may only be heard in one ear but it can be heard in both ears and sometimes it may feel as if it is coming from the centre of the head.
The ringing may come and go and in severe cases the ringing is ever present.

What is tinnitus?

In essence sound waves excite tiny hairs inside the cochlea (inner part of the ear) that send electrical impulses to the brain which then interprets this information as sound.

These tiny hairs are very sensitive and very delicate and are easily damaged when exposed to loud music over a long period of time.

When damaged these hairs, randomly send electrical information to the brain which interprets this corrupt information as sound even though there might be complete silence hence the constant ringing noise after a rave.

How to protect your ears

There are many ways to protect your ears from loud noises:
• Turn the volume down on your mp3 player
• When in a club, take regular breaks from the dance floor
• Pay attention to signs such as “Caution! Loud Noise Hazard, Ear protection must be worn”.
• Don’t try to be cool by standing next to the speakers in clubs
• Wear ear protection

There is a range of ear protection to choose from and investing in a set of ear plugs could prove to be a wise choose in the years to come.

Health experts recommend that exposure to noises above 85dB for prolong periods of time, ear protection must be worn to prevent irreversible damage.

Here is a loudness scale so that you can understand the decibel sounds around you and protect your ears.

dB      Level Level of Exposure           Common Noise Source
140    Deafening                                 Jet Engine 25m away
130    Deafening                                 Jet Engine 100m away
120    Deafening                                 Loud Club
110    Deafening                                 Jet Engine 600m away
100    Very                                         Loud Pneumatic drill
90      Very                                         Loud Food belnder
80      Loud                                        Police Siren
70      Loud                                        Vacuum Cleaner
60      Moderate                                  Busy Office
50      Moderate                                  Normal Conversation
40      Faint                                        Library
30      Faint                                        Whisper
20      Very Faint                                Rustling leaves
10      Very Faint                                Breathing
0        Threshold of human hearing

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